Android, Notes and Productivity Software
Adam Sobieski
2013-10-29 01:35:17 UTC
Android Discuss,

Greetings. I would like to describe some ideas pertaining to software interoperability between Web browsers and notes and productivity software on the Android platform.

The ideas, as overlapping with civics, are described at the e-Governance Community Group at the W3C (http://www.w3.org/community/egovernance/), specifically Digital forms, questionnaires, surveys and opinion polls (http://www.w3.org/community/egovernance/2013/08/22/digital-forms-questionnaires-surveys-and-opinion-polls/) and The Web, notes and civic participation (http://www.w3.org/community/egovernance/2013/09/03/the-web-notes-and-civic-participation/).

Understanding civics and civic participation to be amongst the tasks of software users, including during and between election seasons, computer software, notes software, calendar software, productivity software, personal information management software, can convenience users and research topics overlap with those of human-computer interaction.

The ideas pertain to human multitasking, interprocess communication, ergonomics and notes. The ideas include: notes from the Web, from news, uses of notes while surfing the Web, notes about Web-based tasks, notes made in meetings or classrooms, notes made during video conferencing, notes made while watching videos and multimedia, and notes made with software applications with combinations of speech technologies, handwriting recognition and multitouch.

Topical is facilitating the noting of content and the organizing of and use of notes. Ergonomics topics include the ease of noting content in Web browsers and implementation topics include the interoperability between browsers and notes and productivity software. Multimedia technology topics include speech recognition, electronic notetaking, transcription software, online video formats and tracks, captioning and subtitles, multiple devices and second screen scenarios.

Technical topics include: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html , http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-provider-creating.html , http://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters.html , http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/appwidgets/index.html

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski
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